Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Feature artical

New Born

Committing to one another is a life long journey that my uncle and his ravishing fiance were ready to have. They've only been together for two years but, they knew they were perfect for eachother from the moment he said “hi”. It's as if there souls saw each other and they kind of went "oh, there you are. I've been looking for you." There type of love was one that brought envy yet a sense of cheery to see how contented they where around each other. You could see the amazement in the tinkle of this eye every time he saw or spoke of her. There love was one that was so strong and passionate that you could feel it every time you were around them. A love that inspired not to settle for an ordinary love.
“We have something to tell everyone” my uncle said with a tone in this voice that masked a secret he was about to confess. As he took a long deep breath “I am pregnant!” Priscilla blurted out before my uncle could say a word. The endless smiles and excited screams filled the room a large amount of ecstasy came to our family because it had been news everyone was waiting to hear.
“Wake up Priscilla is in the hospital!” My mother hollered as she quivered my bed until she saw a slight sigh of my body awakening. “She's in labor!” my ecstatic little cousin repeated as she jumped around like a child would on christmas day. I rapidly rose up from my bed feeling a bit dizzy as if my blood pressure took a dive right into my brain. A few moments passed and I began to regain focus from my swift awakening. We sprinted into the car and drove straight to the emergency room. I imagined every way she could possibly look like, from her teeny tiny finger to her toes. constructing my face into pure glee, making the ten minute ride to the hospital endless.
 My family and I tackled the hospital door open and jogged to find the front desk like a army of ant would if there ant pile where to get destroyed. “woah woah woah, wait not all nine of you guys can go in there while the baby is being born.” said the cautious nurse, as we unsuccessful tried to sneak into the labor room. hearing her say that brought a bit of sorrow to my overly excited mood.
Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one-hundredth as I counted every tile on the floor below me. Anxiously waiting for any news of the baby. The minutes turned to hours and the hours felt like days, I could no longer bare my excitement. Although my eyelids were heavy the thought of meeting her was greater than any sleepless night ever could be.
I wanted terribly to be one of the first to see her take her first breath into this astonishing new world she would soon call her own. the thought of being one of the first to help bring a life to earth was breathtaking to me, because no one knows what that small new born will grow to be. The physician could be holding in their bare hands the life of our future president, or a brilliant Nobel prize winner, Who is to know? That neonatal nurse or doctor that has helped bring you into the world, has made a slight significance in your life without you remembering or without you even acknowledging their name.
I saw her innocent careless face though the transparent glass and thought, how wonderful it would be to see new life come to be on a daily bases. I saw the way the neonatal nurse hands gently glided through her tiny body you could feel the warmth and gentleness of her hands while she checked for any deficiency in her breath. I way the nurse looked at every single one of her tiny patience melted my heart because her eyes let you know everything she was feeling. the love she holded for does unknow infants, as if she knew because of her they were alive and she would do anything in her power to keep them as is. As a level one neonatal nurse her job consisted of caring for healthy newborns. Even if the he infants stay wouldn't be long.
“Neonatal nurses provide complete care for babies. They attend deliveries, weigh and measure infants, bathe them and monitor their health. They also teach new parents about newborn care and breastfeeding.” (NICU nurse) There is three levels of neonatal nursing “Level two NICUs are designed for less critically ill infants, who may require breathing assistance, help with feedings, or special medication.” (educationcareerarticles) and levell three NICUs are in charge of infants with major birth defects in critical conditions on survival. If you are not quite sure which level of nursery you would be most interested in there in an option called neonatal nurse practitioners. “The Neonatal Nurse Practitioner has opportunities for practice in Levels I, II, and III neonatal centers” (vanderbilt university) The salary of a neonatal nurse is not one to be ashamed of. “One can earn $53,100- $70,000 approximately depending on their place of work “(nursing education) .
 Although this type of career is very rewarding its comes with both big and small obstacles that at times can be very scarring to a persons life. For example the death of an infant you tried to save, the thought of that sinless angle pulseless in your arms can be traumatizing. But if this career is something that you over all consider there is some educational steps that have to be taken first. attend a” nursing programs at 4-year schools, Before initially becoming a nurse, you'll need to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing “(www.ncsbn.org).
“ then become a registered nurse (RN). the majority of neonatal nurses work in hospitals, but you can also work in a clinic, pediatric office, home care or specialty healthcare center “(www.nann.org) “ After 1-2 years as a neonatal RN, you might consider becoming a neonatal nurse practitioner (NNP).” (degree directory)
Why would I even care about neonatal nursing you would ask? Imagine having a job where you watch miracle’s happen every day. Where everyday you can make a positive difference in someones life. a job where you get health benefits for yourself and your family. Neonatal nursings is a on growing healthcare career that will become an even bigger career as years pass and technology advances.
Most people are not aware of how a career that you can be proud of can change their lives. You can give the peace of mind to a parent worried about their newborn, or could be given the hard struggle to tell them that the heat beat of the child they have so patiently been waiting for is not longer beating. What ever the situation is this job can bring you much more than just an ordinary career. I can teach you to appreciate your life, your kids, or even your future children. You build bonds with people you meet everyday and learn things that never before would you know if not picked a career like neonatal nursing.
Its important to explore more than just an ordinary career, when choosing a lifetime think about what that career will bring you in the future. Ill it only benefit you money wise? or will it be a career you will enjoy going to everyday of your life? Yes being able to care for yourself and having enough money is important but money isn't everything.
What is the point of money when one is unhappy with their life, money can fix economic problems but it won't bring you happiness. Waking up in the morning knowing you are going to a spend your day doing something you enjoy doing. Rather than dreading your job and feeling like you're in a prison working for money that only pays for material things that won't bring you true joy.

Neonatal nursing is important to those who seek a career not just a job. For those who aren't afraid of excitement, struggles, positive, and negative situations. Who are willing to come into a hands on career and not know what the day may bring them. Neonatal nursing is not just a job its a lifestyle build for those who are not afraid of challenges.Find a career that you will love not just for the money but for the happiness it can bring.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Final Reading Evaluation

My personal reading goal was to read as much as possible. I believe I met my goal because the past years I never picked up a book willingly. This year I found some books that made me change the way I see reading. Now I get sudden argues to read a good book, now I actually enjoy reading. That is something I would never say in the past years.

Reading list
  • The Orphans Matters Son
  • The Stranger
  • The Immortal Life of Henrieta Lacks\
  • Looking for Alaska 
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People 
  • The Tempest 
The book I most enjoyed was The Stranger. I liked how easy it was to read and all the hidden symbols the different events and people the symbols represented. Although it was an easy read it wasn't a book you could just skim though and understand you really that to analyze and think read the book in the authors perspective.

I abandoned the book Witches I read two almost three chapters before I abandoned it. I didn't enjoy it because I felt like I was watching a Disney channel movie in my head, it was too kid like for me to enjoy and really want to continue reading.

I enjoyed the book clubs because I liked hearing everyone else thoughts on the book and what they got out of the book. They also helped you understand what confused you in the book. I would ask my group and they would help me analyze what I quite didn't understand. Although the book we chose was not one we enjoyed the book clubs were a good learning experience

Every time I read I felt smarted as lame as that sounds. Reading made me feel like I wasn't wasting my time and I was actually doing something that was helping me even if it was fun. The more I read the more i felt like my writing was getting better I got easier to write well written essays at a much faster paste. Reading made want to do better in school and try to read things I wouldn't enjoy reading in the past.

Final Reading Evaluation

Reading List flipagram made with @flipagram Music: Paramore - Ain't It Fun #flipagram http://flipagram.com/f/D6061JFsge

Monday, April 14, 2014


        Courage is finding a boost inside of us to help us do things we could never see ourselfs doing. having a passion for something, to stand up for what you believe in despite the obstetrical that is fear. "Courage in not the absence of fear, but moving ahead despite fear. For if there is no fear, who needs courage?" -Stephen A. Dimonds let your courage be stronger then your biggest fears. don't let the fear of failure keep you from doing what is right. Life is about being courage's we weren't but in this world to life an easy picknick in the park type of life. That is why obstetrical s are placed in front of us, so we can have the courage to jump over the hurdles of life.
        Something as simple as standing up for what you believe in can change the view of a whole nation. Rosa parks could have just given up her seat to that white men and avoided all the trouble she placed her life in. But she passionately believed that segregation was wrongs, no where in the bible those is say one race over powers the other. God sees us all as equals so why don't we see each other as equals also, why must I a human live in fear of another human Rosa Parks could have thought to her self. courageously she sat and stood for her race. If it was not for acts of courage like those we could not live so peacefully as we live today.
          Don't under estimate the power a human holds. Although we find ourselfs feeling as insignificant as a spec of dust, we have the power to move mountains. Leave your fears behind you and let courage take control of your life. No unforgettable story ever starts with " This one time I said nothing when I knew I had to." Scare people, give them a reason to talk, given them a reason to call you courage's.    

Monday, April 7, 2014


Responsibility , the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.

whether its as simple as taking care of a gold fish or as complex as taking care of a dieing loved one everyone has responsibilities. 
There is times where responsibility can turn into a load of stress. Having to go through life knowing that you have so many responsibility's to attain to. That can not just be put to a side, there always in the back of your mind. Like that catchy yet annoying song that the radio plays ever so repetitively. Your sick out of your mind of it but, it never seems to go away. 

For a teenager to be so unbearably unhappy that he would choose to kill himself is something that's almost too painful for a parent to think about. But with the increasing prevalence of teen suicide no parent can afford to ignore the possibility. 

Adults don't understand the pressure that to much responsibly can do to teen in high school. We are expected to act like adults and still be treated as if we where still five. 

We are not only expected to act a certain way, but also to be a certain way. They tell us go to school, get good grades. but what if your trying to do so but certain things you just cant understand. your trying to do the best you can but your best isn't good enough. Adults don't understand that a high schools students life isn't just school. Its homework daily, sleepless nights, early mornings, unnecessary drama that you cant run away from because it follows you. Because you cant run from whats in your head. The pressure of making your parents proud. The pressure to be good enough not only education wise but to gain acceptance from your peers.  

You are giving no other choice then to grow thinking or your self a a failure because you can remember a time where you had such a thirst for knowledge but school and everything that comes along with it has taken that thirst away. You dread the thought of school you cant bear the thought of another miserable say at a place that chains you down into a prison of self hate, self pity, anger and frustration. 

We all have responsibilities but responsibilities can turn into stress its no ones fault there's no particular thing or  person to blame. These responsibilities are what mold you into the person you are destine to be. Its what you do and how you react to the responsibilities that are thrown at you that builds and creates your character. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

civil humanity

We are all  in a endless battle with our inner demons.

We are  all trying to find a way to cope with these unappealing insecurities, some cry, some cut, some pity themselves. we try to find any copping mechanisms to numb the pain because no one wants to feel insecure.

we even go as far as  compare ourselves to people we think are worse off than us, just to feel a bit better about ourselves. people quite often harm each other, on purpose because that feeling of empowerment over the weak gives us confidence. But why is this? how could calling someone cruel unnecessary words make anyone feel any better about them self's ? It doesn't, maybe for a second but after you call that chubby girl that breaths heavily in your gym class a "fat troll" what then? Those scaring words will not fix her her physical appearance neither will it fix your own flaws so why is man stuck on this type of cruelty. Maybe we believe its okay to be cruel because we are not hurting ourselves, "its not me they are talking about so i don't care," 

People have eyes of there own, they can point out there own flaws quicker then any stranger could, so why contently remind people of there imperfections, they know. they know of that extra fat in there lower tummy, they know of there stick figure body shape, they know there own flaws before you could even notice them. 

Although one might not like how people look. No one is entitled the right to put others down because of minor flaws. For example Oprah was called to fat for television, Demi lovato  and many well know celebrities are faced with the consistent reminder that they in no way are they perfect and never will be. We have forgotten to look past physical appearance and look into what really matters. We are to busy reminiscing on the idea of physical perfection when perfection does not exist. Its the state of wanting to be better,prettier,smarter,funnier then everyone else that brings out humans hurtful cruelty. if we could only remind ourselves that we are all dealing with the same hell but different demons we could live in compassion rather then in competition. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Open letter to Albert Camus

Dear, Albert Camus

I have latterly finished your piece of art titled "The Stranger" I have never taken the time to analyze a book the way I did yours. Your books challenged me to think out side the boxes and see the world in a greater different perspective then I use to see it. I now question life its self after reading this book.

From the characters, to even the title, everything about this book was brilliantly laid out. "The Stranger" characterizes the main character in the book. Meursault sees the word in such a different perspective then the rest of society isolating him from the world making it seem like he's a stranger  or an outcast because of his realistic views on life. I questioned the character a lot at the beginning of the story because of his emotional aspect toward things and situations that a regular person would act different towards, like his mothers death or Marie's love towards him. "maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know. "(3) or"I answered the same way a did the last time..."(41) His tone sounds so indifferent so calm so careless about things  that should make you feel so much emotion. Makes the reader question why and get so deeply involved in the book.  Thought the  book the main character  has a emotional and physical connection with the weather page 57 paragraph two "There was the same dazzling red glare..." shows you the relationship between the weather and the characters feeling toward what he was about to do. You can feel the fear he has by the way he described the sun hitting his face "It seemed to me as if the sky split open...My whole begin to tensed and I squeezed my hand around the revolver." (59) as if the sun was trying to stop him from killing the man but his body wouldn't let him.

Part 2 of the book when everything starts to come together and make sense. This part of the book is when everything you knew about the world changes and your left with a blank mind saying nothing more but, "wow."  when said "I realized then that a man who had lived only one day..." (79)  get you thinking that humans can get used to ever type of environment they are placed in and time is the key to help you overcome, sadness, discomfort, or change. "no, there was no way out , and no one can imagine what nights in prison are like"  (81)  he quotes what one of the nurse had told him at his mothers funeral. knowing the feeling of being in prison I feel like the character was trying to say know one knows how others lives unless you liked there life's or you get used to a environment you don't see yourself living any other way.  Just like your mind sets, you don't change unless you are faced with a situation that makes you change.

"I had the stupid urge to cry.." is when the character realizes how different he is from the world how his thoughts are nothing like what his society what's his to think. during his jury they kept on reminiscing on his behavior during his mothers death. The jury wanted a reason his behavior the jury or his society can not except his actions as just something that happened because they are stuck on there is an explanation for everything, but to Meursault's isolated soul there wasn't. "Deep down I knew perfectly well that it doesn't much matter whether you die at thirty or at seventy..." to Meursault human life was meaning less, we all are born live and die. Not all the same way but we are bound to end up in the ground "For everything to be consummated..." (123) This ending given a sense of  relief, as if the character is at peace with himself knowing we will all face the same sentence at the ends of our life journey's.
                                                                                                                                           Yohana Olivas

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Stranger

 1) The Stranger is divided into two parts and I have already read part one page 59 out of 123 pages. The beginning part of the book is pleasant and very easy and simple to read the sentences are short sort of choppy showing the reader true voice of the author. I enjoyed the first part of the novel it is a well written introduction into the far more drastic things that are bond to happen thought the second part of the book, I and every excited to continue reading this unordinary book that I plan to finish very soon.
     2)The protagonist in The Stranger is a men named Meursault he seems to be an ordinary men  but is put in a position that alters his life. A What was suppose to be a fun filled at the beach turned into a senseless murder with no return. pages 57-59 the protagonist describes the sun with such drastic detail that leaves the reader wondering why? the author then compares the sun to the day the protagonist mother had died giving the reader a answer to why he describes the sun so much, the sun reminds him of a day he wishes not to remember. When he is face to face to his conflict the author begins to describe the sun hitting his face as if it was hell its self pouring down on him. Just as if the suns rays where trying to stop him from making a careless diction. From I have read the reader can guess that he will make a careless diction that he will quickly regret.
    4)Based on what I have read in this book I am very captivated by it, and is one I would recommend to all reading levels. Its simple, yet interesting, easy to read but not childish or boring, and for those who are not fund of reading, its short. A problem that may come across some with this book is, you need to stop and think about what the author is trying to say this book is not one you skim though and understand is simply. It take a little imagination, witch I believe is what keeps me captivated in this book.
    5)A quote that stood out to me is the very first sentence of the book "Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know." I first I was puzzled because I was unsure of who maman could be, but I quickly cached on, maman being a kind named he gave to his mother. What stood out to me about this quote is the casualness of it, his tone of voice seems so calm and careless. As if him mother was just a far relative that has just passed, and you don't really don't  feel a sense of pain because you have no emotional connection to them. Its unordinary that he would speak in this tone because this is his beloved mothers passing, the person that spend her hole life caring and protecting you has just passed and the protagonist takes it as an everyday thing, as if he was saying. "Its cool mom's die everyday no biggy." This gives an emotional appeal to the reader making you want to continue reading, but yet aggravates you keeping you thinking, why does he feel this way? As I have said before this book is one you have to have a good imagination, these rhetorical devices are what keep you at the edge of your seat with this book.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Open Letter to a Author

Dear Rebecca Skoot,
       I have currently finished your new york times best seller, The Immortal Life of Henrirtta Lacks .  This book has given me a better understanding of advancements in medicine and changes throughout  our history. It have given me a new few on how one single person can make a huge impact in future life's, and future advancements. Before this book, the name Henrietta Lacks  had no significance in my brain, but after finishing this book Hernrietta Lacks is a name I am sure to let everyone know of. 
       You could have chosen to write this book in nothing more then a informative non-enthusiastic matter but, you did not. As the writer you gave this book both an informative and entertaining  aspect to it. "You better take me to the doctor. I'm bleedin and it aint my time"(15) is one of the quotes that stood out to me because of how much voice the characters have. You can imagine the character actually saying these words in your mind  letting you know these characters once lived and are real. 
        When I first picked up this book I was not sure if it was one I would really have an interest in because I knew it would be every informative  and no fun would come out of reading this book.  Soon I got attached and couldn't stop reading. At the beginning of the book I thought taking Henrietta's cells was inhumane and unfair to her and her loved knows, but by the end of the book I learned that it was legal at that time for doctors to take what they needed as research or history of the patient. I knew about segregation but I could never imagine it "Told she could not have any more children Says if she had been told before, she would not have gone through with treatment." (47)  This quote is one of the many that showed segregation in the book. She was colored and not well educated making it easy for doctors to take advantage or not tell her about the effects of her treatments.  
          " I know your mother and father and all the cousins all mingled together in their own way, but don't you ever do it, Dale. Cousins are not supposed to be havin sex with each other."(115) This quote tough me the shift in history morals. In Henrietta's time it was common and even encouraged for family members to have children and families together, but today it is morally wrong to do so. "People wouldn't use words like epilepsy, mental retardation, or neurosyphilis  to describe Elisie's condition until years later. To the folks in Lacks Town, she was just simple. Touched"(23) Shows people did not know side effects of having children with relatives, it also showed me that people in past times where more humble about disorders then people today. At the end of the book I had a deeper understanding on things that had crossed my mind a couple of times. I am looking forward to learing more from your style of writing and your other books.

Yohana Olivas

Thursday, January 30, 2014


         1) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot includes 38 chapters and 310 pages full of facts, culture, history, and heart. Unfortunately it was hard to finish this book quicker because of extra curricular activities that did not give me time to enjoy the book as much as I desired. I determinedly made time to successfully complete and analyze this astonishing book. I am now looking forward to being introduced to more books that will keep me as engaged as  The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks has.
         3) The way the author formatted the book was completely different then any other book I have gotten a chance to read. All books have a setting and plot and  a climax but the way Rebecca Skloot organized her writing is pleasant to read. The book is divided into three parts that are a story with in each section. Section one pages 13-86 are called "life", just as the title mentions. This section is about Henrietta or as birth name would call her Loretta Pleasant. The reader grows right along with  Henrietta, the author visually puts the reader into Henrietta's life, feeling every struggle she went through. Section two is "death" pages 87-176, this section is the informative part of the book. Giving you a glimpse of modern medicine and medical journalism. Helping you understand how historically important Henrietta is to advancements in medicine. "Death" Is like the center of a chocolate tootsie-pop. The part where all charters have a significant place in the biography and the readers understands the main characters life. The Final section is named "Immortal"pages 177-310. Witch I see as creative title not only because is the actual title of the book but this is the section in witch the reader makes Henrietta and her family a part of you. The readers sees  the unfairness of Henrietta's situation how it not only effected her but also the future of her family.  Not only has the author showed the lacks family who Henrietta is, she shows the reader who she is and who she forever be.
           5) One of the many things I enjoyed about this book is how visual and poignant  it is. " I know your mother and father and all the cousins all mingled together in their own way, but don't you do it, Dale. Cousins are not supposed to be havin sex with each other. That's uncalled for."  This quotes has so much power because not only dose it show the horrifying situation Dale was going though but it shows how different things where in the passed. That one quote shows growth in humanity, and how we start to realize right from wrong.
            6)  "people wouldn't use the word use word like  epilepsy, mental retardation, or neurosyphilis to describe Elise's condition until years later.  To the folks in Lacks Town  she was just simple, Touched. " this quote shows how metal disorders where not common and where not seen as disorders they where seen as simple differences. People didn't know of the complications of having children with relatives back then, to them relative reflation ships where normal. Today we know it's wrong but other then being wrong it creates a higher chance of the fetus to come out with a birth deficiency.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Every loving parent wants to know that the pupil of there eye is protected, excepted, and respected under any situation; especial in a place where they spend most of there time in. How are they cretin what these expectations are being met then a parent does not see it with there own two eyes? Most parents are clueless about what happens to, and around there children when they are away. This does not mean adult are failing as parents but,  they are however failing communication with the kids. A child in a unpleasant situation with not open up to anyone without fear of being judged, harassed, or punished by there guardians.
What is a confused and scared  child to do in situations they feel they have no control over?  To them no one can  help so they keep there situations and emotions bottled up for no one to see. The stress of the unfix able problem is like dry ice on a sealed tight container, eventually they will blow. That blow can end is a physical release as in killing the problem that has bothered you for so long.
It take one problem to evolve a person into a totally unrecognizable creature, this is how I believe serial killers are created.
A person can only take so much  pain and abuse before it turns into pure anger. Then an urge to make those to made you suffer, suffer the exact same pain the victim has been suffering. There hurting body is not enough to satisfy the urge and then progresses, it starts with one victim then the next and so on. It turns into a disturbing hobby and the killers learn to live with this on going urge. They learn to live normal  unsuspicious lives, make a normal family even.
That is how Alice and Gerald Uden  raised there daughter, with shocking secret that she has recently learned about. The Uden's daughter no longer sees the loving parents she once knew, now all she sees are strange killers. Although her parents dark secret is disturbing. Her parents are not to blame for being killers, there scaring childhood or physiological problem are to blame not her parents alone. They did not choose to be the way they are, they where molded into killer.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Herietta Lacks

     Henrietta Lacks

       I am still currently reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.  It is important to me to take time the time to complete a book before I decide to jump into another. That way I can make a connecting with one single book rather then reading to books at the same time. At the moment I am on page *** out of 370 pages. Yes, I do have some catching up to do, but I will finish and will achieve a better understanding on cancer cells I would never before know if it wasn't for this book. Not only that but you get a look on the life of  those effected by segregation.
       One of the quotes that has stand out to be in this book is when the author says. "it as understood that black people didn't question white people's professional judgment" (63).  This quote shows complete segregation is one sentence. White people over powered all races, it shows how on equal everyone ways. It did not matter if they where citizens of the united states or not. If the pigment of your skin was anything other then white you where considered a burden. Not only in the eyes of random strangers but in the eyes of those who's  jobs require to give care to everyone in need.
      The setting of this book takes place in 1950, where segregation is well in play. Herietta Lacks, a young black mother of five, enters the John Hopkins colored hospital to begin treatment for a mysterious clump in her cervix. The setting in this non-fiction book is told with such detail that you can picture it in your head. "She filled her bathtub, lowered herself into the warm water, and slowly spread her legs. With the door closed to her children, husband, and cousins, Henrietta slid a finger inside herself and rubbed it across her cervix until she found what she somehow knew she'd find: a hard lump, deep inside, as though someone had lodged a marble the size of her pinkie tip just to the left of the opening to her womb." Gives you a gimps on how much illustration is put into this book. Giving the reader such visual on what is happening in the book.
      The book cover shows a beautiful, young, fearless looking women giving you an instant sigh at the protagonist. This  book is exactly what the title displaces. Its a informative and entertaining book about a women that has completely changed and created the advancements in cancer. Although Henrietta is the main character. The book is not told by her point of view is told by the view of the author. It shows how she acquired all the importation she knows about Henrietta. This book is well written and is one I would recommend anyone should read.      

Monday, January 20, 2014

Response to news

Commonly a women should feel pure happiness when finding out she is pregnant. I say pure happiness because if a women agrees to have sexual intercourse with a men its because she is mature enough to know the consequences sex can bring. Knowing that sex can lead to the development of a human being. A women and of course a men should take precaution if pregnancy is not what they wish.
Just because most women can physically carry and bring a child into the world doesn't necessarily mean they should. Not everyone has the patience or mental ability to raise a child. If being a mother is not your interest, but having sex is. Be intelligent enough to know there is such thing a protection. Instead of being selfish and reckless enough to bring an unwanted innocent child into the world without an interest in loving him or her.
A child should be a blessing not a mistake and should be raised as so, a blessing. Although it may be difficult  to raise a child and at times overwhelming should not alter the love you have for your seed. The love a real mother has for a child will look passed every hair pulling obstacle a child could bring.
Monsters like China Arnold should be sentenced to death. Placing her one month old baby girl in her microwave and cooking her for 2 minutes is a unimaginable horrifying event that can not be forgiven, not even by God. This disgusting event is one of the many reasons why not everyone should have the blessing of having a child.
That poor innocent child didn't cause her death, there is no situation a BABY can put you in that makes you want to take there life away. Its unbearable to have the guts to kill a life you helped bring to the world. There is people in the world who are not lucky enough to have a child and this revolting women that the soul to slaughter the only life that will ever lover her.



Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Reading Life

My reading life this semester is like a tumbleweed in a ghost  town, lifeless. Never have I been challenged to read anything more then my own text messages. It hasn't been simple adjusting to  new and difficult surroundings where I am expected to read on a daily basis for more then a couple of minutes. Over all I am looking forward to this new environment and expect to gain a lot from the new books I will be reading.
Although I plan to read lots of different books I am currently reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, this book has grasped my interest from the first couple of words I read. I absolutely adore the way this book is informative, interesting, emotional and humorous all at once. Making me want to continue turning the page. For those who are looking for a graceful and vivid novel to read. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a most have in your book shelf.
I myself will be adding many books to my book shelf this semester. Some of the book I would love to get ahold of are looking for Alaska by John Green, and Sarah's key by Tatiana de Rosnay. I have a goal, to read as many books as I possibly can. Opening new doors to a more informative creative and smarter me. On like past years I will reach my reading goals with enthusiasm.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Unspoken laws

    The vast majority of ignorant high school girls wish nothing more then to be popular and known by all. They linger around the restrooms spending long periods of time focused on there appearance, Believing that facial beauty and physical appearance is all people want. Although truth be told that is all this superficial  generation  cares for, "beauty". The teenage girl knows this,it is an unspoken rule followed to feel excepted.
     It's practically effortless to walk into a school and pinpoint those who belong to the popular group and those that don't. Media has given a discretion of how one should act and wear to be excepted. TV shows, movies, beauty commercials have all distributed a help in discouraging those who do not follow the crowed. Giving them names like dork, nerd or loner.  We know these descriptions of how one should act to be excepted and belong in a group are not written on hard cold stone, but are know by young adults because we have grown into a society where following the crowed is more important then individuality.
     Where these unspoken laws have given teens a sense of fear to stand tall next to what they believe in or emerge into the people they really are. We hide behind unwritten,made up, manipulative laws  to be nothing more then excepted, because that is what the human mind  craves, acceptance.