1) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot includes 38 chapters and 310 pages full of facts, culture, history, and heart. Unfortunately it was hard to finish this book quicker because of extra curricular activities that did not give me time to enjoy the book as much as I desired. I determinedly made time to successfully complete and analyze this astonishing book. I am now looking forward to being introduced to more books that will keep me as engaged as The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks has.
3) The way the author formatted the book was completely different then any other book I have gotten a chance to read. All books have a setting and plot and a climax but the way Rebecca Skloot organized her writing is pleasant to read. The book is divided into three parts that are a story with in each section. Section one pages 13-86 are called "life", just as the title mentions. This section is about Henrietta or as birth name would call her Loretta Pleasant. The reader grows right along with Henrietta, the author visually puts the reader into Henrietta's life, feeling every struggle she went through. Section two is "death" pages 87-176, this section is the informative part of the book. Giving you a glimpse of modern medicine and medical journalism. Helping you understand how historically important Henrietta is to advancements in medicine. "Death" Is like the center of a chocolate tootsie-pop. The part where all charters have a significant place in the biography and the readers understands the main characters life. The Final section is named "Immortal"pages 177-310. Witch I see as creative title not only because is the actual title of the book but this is the section in witch the reader makes Henrietta and her family a part of you. The readers sees the unfairness of Henrietta's situation how it not only effected her but also the future of her family. Not only has the author showed the lacks family who Henrietta is, she shows the reader who she is and who she forever be.
5) One of the many things I enjoyed about this book is how visual and poignant it is. " I know your mother and father and all the cousins all mingled together in their own way, but don't you do it, Dale. Cousins are not supposed to be havin sex with each other. That's uncalled for." This quotes has so much power because not only dose it show the horrifying situation Dale was going though but it shows how different things where in the passed. That one quote shows growth in humanity, and how we start to realize right from wrong.
6) "people wouldn't use the word use word like epilepsy, mental retardation, or neurosyphilis to describe Elise's condition until years later. To the folks in Lacks Town she was just simple, Touched. " this quote shows how metal disorders where not common and where not seen as disorders they where seen as simple differences. People didn't know of the complications of having children with relatives back then, to them relative reflation ships where normal. Today we know it's wrong but other then being wrong it creates a higher chance of the fetus to come out with a birth deficiency.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Every loving parent wants to know that the pupil of there eye is protected, excepted, and respected under any situation; especial in a place where they spend most of there time in. How are they cretin what these expectations are being met then a parent does not see it with there own two eyes? Most parents are clueless about what happens to, and around there children when they are away. This does not mean adult are failing as parents but, they are however failing communication with the kids. A child in a unpleasant situation with not open up to anyone without fear of being judged, harassed, or punished by there guardians.

It take one problem to evolve a person into a totally unrecognizable creature, this is how I believe serial killers are created.
A person can only take so much pain and abuse before it turns into pure anger. Then an urge to make those to made you suffer, suffer the exact same pain the victim has been suffering. There hurting body is not enough to satisfy the urge and then progresses, it starts with one victim then the next and so on. It turns into a disturbing hobby and the killers learn to live with this on going urge. They learn to live normal unsuspicious lives, make a normal family even.
That is how Alice and Gerald Uden raised there daughter, with shocking secret that she has recently learned about. The Uden's daughter no longer sees the loving parents she once knew, now all she sees are strange killers. Although her parents dark secret is disturbing. Her parents are not to blame for being killers, there scaring childhood or physiological problem are to blame not her parents alone. They did not choose to be the way they are, they where molded into killer.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Herietta Lacks
Henrietta Lacks
I am still currently reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. It is important to me to take time the time to complete a book before I decide to jump into another. That way I can make a connecting with one single book rather then reading to books at the same time. At the moment I am on page *** out of 370 pages. Yes, I do have some catching up to do, but I will finish and will achieve a better understanding on cancer cells I would never before know if it wasn't for this book. Not only that but you get a look on the life of those effected by segregation.
One of the quotes that has stand out to be in this book is when the author says. "it as understood that black people didn't question white people's professional judgment" (63). This quote shows complete segregation is one sentence. White people over powered all races, it shows how on equal everyone ways. It did not matter if they where citizens of the united states or not. If the pigment of your skin was anything other then white you where considered a burden. Not only in the eyes of random strangers but in the eyes of those who's jobs require to give care to everyone in need.
The setting of this book takes place in 1950, where segregation is well in play. Herietta Lacks, a young black mother of five, enters the John Hopkins colored hospital to begin treatment for a mysterious clump in her cervix. The setting in this non-fiction book is told with such detail that you can picture it in your head. "She filled her bathtub, lowered herself into the warm water, and slowly spread her legs. With the door closed to her children, husband, and cousins, Henrietta slid a finger inside herself and rubbed it across her cervix until she found what she somehow knew she'd find: a hard lump, deep inside, as though someone had lodged a marble the size of her pinkie tip just to the left of the opening to her womb." Gives you a gimps on how much illustration is put into this book. Giving the reader such visual on what is happening in the book.
The book cover shows a beautiful, young, fearless looking women giving you an instant sigh at the protagonist. This book is exactly what the title displaces. Its a informative and entertaining book about a women that has completely changed and created the advancements in cancer. Although Henrietta is the main character. The book is not told by her point of view is told by the view of the author. It shows how she acquired all the importation she knows about Henrietta. This book is well written and is one I would recommend anyone should read.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Response to news
Commonly a women should feel pure happiness when finding out she is pregnant. I say pure happiness because if a women agrees to have sexual intercourse with a men its because she is mature enough to know the consequences sex can bring. Knowing that sex can lead to the development of a human being. A women and of course a men should take precaution if pregnancy is not what they wish.
Just because most women can physically carry and bring a child into the world doesn't necessarily mean they should. Not everyone has the patience or mental ability to raise a child. If being a mother is not your interest, but having sex is. Be intelligent enough to know there is such thing a protection. Instead of being selfish and reckless enough to bring an unwanted innocent child into the world without an interest in loving him or her.
A child should be a blessing not a mistake and should be raised as so, a blessing. Although it may be difficult to raise a child and at times overwhelming should not alter the love you have for your seed. The love a real mother has for a child will look passed every hair pulling obstacle a child could bring.
Monsters like China Arnold should be sentenced to death. Placing her one month old baby girl in her microwave and cooking her for 2 minutes is a unimaginable horrifying event that can not be forgiven, not even by God. This disgusting event is one of the many reasons why not everyone should have the blessing of having a child.
That poor innocent child didn't cause her death, there is no situation a BABY can put you in that makes you want to take there life away. Its unbearable to have the guts to kill a life you helped bring to the world. There is people in the world who are not lucky enough to have a child and this revolting women that the soul to slaughter the only life that will ever lover her.
Just because most women can physically carry and bring a child into the world doesn't necessarily mean they should. Not everyone has the patience or mental ability to raise a child. If being a mother is not your interest, but having sex is. Be intelligent enough to know there is such thing a protection. Instead of being selfish and reckless enough to bring an unwanted innocent child into the world without an interest in loving him or her.
A child should be a blessing not a mistake and should be raised as so, a blessing. Although it may be difficult to raise a child and at times overwhelming should not alter the love you have for your seed. The love a real mother has for a child will look passed every hair pulling obstacle a child could bring.
Monsters like China Arnold should be sentenced to death. Placing her one month old baby girl in her microwave and cooking her for 2 minutes is a unimaginable horrifying event that can not be forgiven, not even by God. This disgusting event is one of the many reasons why not everyone should have the blessing of having a child.
That poor innocent child didn't cause her death, there is no situation a BABY can put you in that makes you want to take there life away. Its unbearable to have the guts to kill a life you helped bring to the world. There is people in the world who are not lucky enough to have a child and this revolting women that the soul to slaughter the only life that will ever lover her.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
My Reading Life
My reading life this semester is like a tumbleweed in a ghost town, lifeless. Never have I been challenged to read anything more then my own text messages. It hasn't been simple adjusting to new and difficult surroundings where I am expected to read on a daily basis for more then a couple of minutes. Over all I am looking forward to this new environment and expect to gain a lot from the new books I will be reading.
Although I plan to read lots of different books I am currently reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, this book has grasped my interest from the first couple of words I read. I absolutely adore the way this book is informative, interesting, emotional and humorous all at once. Making me want to continue turning the page. For those who are looking for a graceful and vivid novel to read. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a most have in your book shelf.
I myself will be adding many books to my book shelf this semester. Some of the book I would love to get ahold of are looking for Alaska by John Green, and Sarah's key by Tatiana de Rosnay. I have a goal, to read as many books as I possibly can. Opening new doors to a more informative creative and smarter me. On like past years I will reach my reading goals with enthusiasm.
Although I plan to read lots of different books I am currently reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, this book has grasped my interest from the first couple of words I read. I absolutely adore the way this book is informative, interesting, emotional and humorous all at once. Making me want to continue turning the page. For those who are looking for a graceful and vivid novel to read. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a most have in your book shelf.
I myself will be adding many books to my book shelf this semester. Some of the book I would love to get ahold of are looking for Alaska by John Green, and Sarah's key by Tatiana de Rosnay. I have a goal, to read as many books as I possibly can. Opening new doors to a more informative creative and smarter me. On like past years I will reach my reading goals with enthusiasm.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Unspoken laws
The vast majority of ignorant high school girls wish nothing more then to be popular and known by all. They linger around the restrooms spending long periods of time focused on there appearance, Believing that facial beauty and physical appearance is all people want. Although truth be told that is all this superficial generation cares for, "beauty". The teenage girl knows this,it is an unspoken rule followed to feel excepted.
It's practically effortless to walk into a school and pinpoint those who belong to the popular group and those that don't. Media has given a discretion of how one should act and wear to be excepted. TV shows, movies, beauty commercials have all distributed a help in discouraging those who do not follow the crowed. Giving them names like dork, nerd or loner. We know these descriptions of how one should act to be excepted and belong in a group are not written on hard cold stone, but are know by young adults because we have grown into a society where following the crowed is more important then individuality.
Where these unspoken laws have given teens a sense of fear to stand tall next to what they believe in or emerge into the people they really are. We hide behind unwritten,made up, manipulative laws to be nothing more then excepted, because that is what the human mind craves, acceptance.
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