whether its as simple as taking care of a gold fish or as complex as taking care of a dieing loved one everyone has responsibilities.
There is times where responsibility can turn into a load of stress. Having to go through life knowing that you have so many responsibility's to attain to. That can not just be put to a side, there always in the back of your mind. Like that catchy yet annoying song that the radio plays ever so repetitively. Your sick out of your mind of it but, it never seems to go away.
For a teenager to be so unbearably unhappy that he would choose to kill himself is something that's almost too painful for a parent to think about. But with the increasing prevalence of teen suicide no parent can afford to ignore the possibility.
Adults don't understand the pressure that to much responsibly can do to teen in high school. We are expected to act like adults and still be treated as if we where still five.
We are not only expected to act a certain way, but also to be a certain way. They tell us go to school, get good grades. but what if your trying to do so but certain things you just cant understand. your trying to do the best you can but your best isn't good enough. Adults don't understand that a high schools students life isn't just school. Its homework daily, sleepless nights, early mornings, unnecessary drama that you cant run away from because it follows you. Because you cant run from whats in your head. The pressure of making your parents proud. The pressure to be good enough not only education wise but to gain acceptance from your peers.
You are giving no other choice then to grow thinking or your self a a failure because you can remember a time where you had such a thirst for knowledge but school and everything that comes along with it has taken that thirst away. You dread the thought of school you cant bear the thought of another miserable say at a place that chains you down into a prison of self hate, self pity, anger and frustration.
We all have responsibilities but responsibilities can turn into stress its no ones fault there's no particular thing or person to blame. These responsibilities are what mold you into the person you are destine to be. Its what you do and how you react to the responsibilities that are thrown at you that builds and creates your character.
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